Shipment Connector June & July release notes

Shipmondo Shipment connector logo
Webshipper Shipment connector logo
nShift Shipment connector logo
Warehouse Scanner icon
There is a new release out for the Shipment Connectors for Shipmondo, nShift & our Tasklet Connector as well, with an intended release for webshipper later this week. The new update brings about substantial changes particularly to the Tasklet Connector ensuring the stability and performance of the solution, these changes also add a new way of handling errors that occur towards the Shipping platform after Tasklet has finished its posting processes. More about the new Tasklet features and other changes can be found in the comprehensive list of changes below. As always if there are any questions regarding the changes please forward them to

Current AppSource Versions:

Core Shipment Connector


Shipmondo Shipment Connector


Webshipper Shipment Connector


nShift Ship Shipment Connector


Shipment Connector for Tasklet Factory mobile WMS


Shipment Connector Core (Applies to all)


- For the Tasklet Connector we have altered the process for sending shipments so that it now occurs on the back end of Tasklet’s posting processes. This also resulted in the need for a new error handling system in case there are any validation errors or similar from the shipping platforms. Before you begin using the new error handling system you should go ahead and add a number series for the new Shipment Journal. This can be added in the Shipment Settings
Screenshot 11
When an error occurs on the Tasklet Device it will look akin to the below example.
Screenshot 1
In case of error from a shipping platform you will be able to access the given Document on the “Shipment Request List”.
Screenshot 2
From here you can Edit the Request via “Edit Request”. This in turn opens up a new page with the request and all the data from the API request. This new page is referred to as the “Shipment Journal”.
Screenshot 3
From the Shipment Journal you can view the last known error you encountered that stopped the posting process from Tasklet and you can also correct the error and thereby get your shipment sent and label printed. The Shipment Journal will contain all the objects and fields available in the shipping platforms API.
Screenshot 4
Once you have corrected the error for instance a missing address1 like in the above example then you can hit “Save & Close” which redirects you back to the Shipment Request List.

Once finished you can hit the “Post & Ship” action which will send the request and print the shipping label.
Screenshot 5
- Added a new status for shipments “Failed”. These failed waybill lines will open up or change to reserved when the error is corrected.
Screenshot 6
- Added a “Weight” field to package types enabling users to specify the weight of their packages. Our weight calculation model will now incorporate any package weight if any is specified on the given package type that is being used, along with the normal weight calculation of the items which includes the gross weight of said item. This enables further automation for users and gives a more accurate calculation of weight for packages. The weight field on the waybill can still be overwritten if need be. The weight is specified in grams (g)
Screenshot 7

Changes & Re-designs

- Cleaned up the Shipment Connector & XtensionIT Role Center structure. All of the menu points are now accessible via “XtensionIT”
Screenshot 8

Bug fixes

- Fixed an error when combining the opening of “failed” waybill lines and performing a runmodel in the same transaction.



- Users can now cancel API shipments via the "Cancel Shipment" action on the Shipment log page. This has been added due to a change in the Shipmondo Portal for Shipments created via API
Screenshot 9

nShift Webshipper

No specific changes

nShift Ship


- Added PickUpDate to the SubmitShipment request. This takes the date from the pick-up information date field & the pick-up from-time field. This is due to the format in nShifts API: "PickupDt": "2022-11-30T00:00:00"

Tasklet Connector

Changes & Re-designs

- Changed how license plates are updated, in order to reduce the amount of SQL requests.
Jesper Lohse
Jesper Lohse